Mineral de Pozos and its surroundings – Part 2

THE MIGHTY SIERRA GORDA MOUNTAINS THE 5 REAL DE MINAS The Sierra Gorda is a offshoot of the Sierra Madre Oriental which runs down along the eastern gulf coast of México, and compose the highest peaks in the state of Guanajuato.   These mountains contain an extensive amount of minerals as demonstrated by the number […]

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History of San Joaquín de Trancas

El origen de ésta Hacienda se remonta al Siglo XVI, apenas transcurridos 46 años de la caída de la Gran Tenochtitlan bajo el yugo Español, en 1567 el Cabildo de la Villa de San Felipe concede a Don Diego Martín un sitio de ganado menor (1) y dos caballerías (2). En 1572 le da a […]

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Mineral de Pozos and its surroundings – Part 1

Pozos, the Ghost Town   (The Cristero War That Killed It!) The Mighty Sierra Gorda Mountains by William J. Conaway, Copyright, 1997 Photographs by William Maher   The great Africa empire builder, Cecil Rhodes once said: México will one day furnish the gold, silver, and copper of the world; from her hidden vaults, her subterranean […]

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